Where have I been?

Okay, so the Boruto Anime seems to be taking its' time, step by step, episode by episode to get to and past the Momoshiki and Kinshiki invasion arc, and even further beyond that. The question is: how long will this go? Next episode is titled "Sasuke's Shadow," so we must be getting into a new arc. Which is good, because this series needs to go somewhere. So far, we have passed the Byakuga Gang saga (which was actually very good, really differed from the rest of the arcs that we have seen so far!)
But now, ever since episode 48, we seem to be going in a direction of..............what, exactly?
But we are at least heading in some sort of direction of plot, not just staying in one place for a whole saga. Oh, and one more thing: the new Otsusuki member.
Yeah, the one to Momoshiki's right.
Youtube channels have described this unknown member as Urashiki Otsusuki. But what role will he play in an attempt to turn this plot around, and possibly this series?
(cough) Dragon Ball Possibly New Series (cough)
