For this post I will be talking in lowercase (not all caps like I usually do.)
Hinata looks very scary. She had that look of terror when she saw that excuse slip (LOL MITSUKI)
Now I understand why Boruto has a scary mom.
By the way, Shikadi, is that red slap mark on your face from Temari doing any better? I hope so.
The mysteries are gripping in on the ghost incident. Sorry for not reviewing later episodes I just thought they were kinda average (except on Episode 8 where Naruto mentions the Scroll of Sealing LOL and Episode 9 where Hanabi's doing a lot better than in The Last.)
During the mail job, I envied Mitsuki because he had a way efficent way of delivering the mail and buying them some time to figure out the Ghost Incident. Now onto the park scene................
Hashirama, I miss you. You actually get a mention in this episode. Who would've thought the person  using the shadows obtained the Hashirama cell? Sai is very observant. And if any of you are wondering if the Class Rep that is lying on the floor at the last scene what happened, fear not! We see her again in the Episode 11 trailer!
They have some gripping serious music in the end, in the trailer, and in the Naruto-Shikamaru-Sai talk scene. It's almost as if it's REALLY becoming serious! And sadly, Naruto tries to take Boruto out of the situation in the Episode 11 trailer! I really have lost the warm-and-fuzzy vibe.
You can see a similar review of this episode on Ace Operative's Channel!
